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yearbook distribution 2021

This page will answer your questions about when, where, and how to pick up your yearbook.


Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our process so that we can maintain safety while distributing the books as efficiently as possible.  We appreciate your patience and help.  If you have any questions after reading this page, please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Books will be distributed on Friday, June 18, 2021



In early June we will be mailing home a claim ticket for everyone who ordered a yearbook.  This is your proof of purchase.  Please bring your ticket with you to pick up your book.



In Person Students:


We will be handing out yearbooks outside near the hall of fame.​


Seniors may pick up their books starting at 9:00 am following the senior breakfast.

All other in-person students may pick up their books during lunch.


Virtual Learners

Virtual learners may pick their books up during the afternoon from 1 to 3 pm.  Please bring your claim ticket.


Unclaimed Books: Books that are not picked up by 3 pm will be secured in the main office overnight.   Books may be picked up at the main office during the regular school year.   After this, books will be secured storage until the Fall; however, they may be picked up using an ID throughout the summer.  Please bring your claim ticket.


How Will Books Be Picked Up


1.  Cars will enter the student parking lot in the B-wing and proceed to the PICK-UP AREA.

This will be indicated with signs, cones, and a table.


2.  The pick-up table will take the student’s voucher(s) and give you your book!

Everyone who purchased a book will be receiving a voucher used to redeem your book.

When you pull up, our staff will take your voucher and give you your book.

What if you forget or don't receive your voucher?  Don't worry!  We have a verified list of all purchases and we will ask to see your ID.  We will then release your book to you.


Book Signing










One of the best parts of getting your yearbook,​

is having people sign it. 

This year we have arranged for everyone to be

able to

  • Sign yearbooks digitally for FREE,

  • Save a digital copy, and

  • PRINT your messages to put in your book.

You can do this even if you didn't buy a book!

The video to the right shows you how.




STOP! Read this important message! = Once you set up your account you will have a personal link. Anyone you share this with can sign your book.  Therefore, if you post it on social media publicly, anyone who clicks your link can sign it.  We highly recommend you only share it privately with friends and teachers.  


Highlights on how the digital signing works:

1.  Click this LINK

2.  Set up your account using an email and password you choose.

3.  You will now have an account.

4.  In your account, there will be a private link to copy and share

5.  We recommend you only share it privately with friends, family, and teachers.  We discourage you from posting it publicly on social media because anyone who has this link can send you a message.

6.  As people click your link, you will be able to read their messages.

7.  If you don't like a message, you can delete it.  

8.  You get choose an end date for people to be allowed to sign your pages

9.  When you are done, you can download all your pages of messages and save it digitally as pdf.

10.  You can also PRINT those messages and put them in your book or scrape book.

The best part, even if you didn't buy a book this year, you can do this for FREE and print messages from your friends and teachers to remember the year.


Book Sale


Each year books are by pre-order.  However, the yearbook company prints books in set number batches.  This year we have a few books that have not yet been sold.  This is not always the case, but it is this year at this time.  As in the past, books will be sold on a first-come-first paid basis.  Anyone interested in a book will need to contact Mrs. Darlene Baker and pay in full in advance at  When books are all sold, no more are available.  All questions regarding sales must go through her to ensure accuracy and consistency in this policy.  Thank you.


© 2010-2022 by East Syracuse Minoa High School Yearbook.


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